Welcome to Valley Acupuncture

Your Path to Wellness Starts Here

Here’s a story from Arianna Huffington:stressed woman

“I had a wake-up call in 2007 when I collapsed from exhaustion and broke my cheekbone on my desk. I had been working 18 hours a day, seven days a week, trying to build me business. I realized then that I was undermining not only my health but also my creativity, productivity and decision making. I wasn’t nurturing my best asset-my human capital.”

In my practice I see this all to often, people putting “perceived” responsibility, and work ahead of their health. Arianna’s solution is one I recommend; prioritize your sleep, start every morning with 20 minutes of meditation or quiet time, and work out or walk every day.

Schedule an Appointment

MAIN OFFICE – Los Gatos/San Jose
– El Dorado Hills

CALL – 408-835-7870
Or Message Valley Acupuncture via our Contact Page

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