by Nancy Burns, L.Ac. | Jun 20, 2016 | Acupuncture, Fair Oaks CA, Men
“Do you treat men?” I hear that question all the time. And yes, yes I DO treat men! Here at the satellite office of Valley Acupuncture in Fair Oaks, CA I often hear from men for things like tennis elbow and golf elbow....
by Nancy Burns, L.Ac. | May 16, 2016 | Acupuncture, Digestion, El Dorado Hills, Fair Oaks CA
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can strike just when you have your life to yourself – acupuncture can help make things better. Many of long-time acupuncture patients have left Silicon Valley and moved to El Dorado Hills to enjoy an active retirement. Sports,...
by Nancy Burns, L.Ac. | Apr 18, 2016 | Acupuncture, Fair Oaks CA, Non-Surgical Solutions, Repetitive Use Injury
This blog post is a continuation of last month’s post about one of my Carpal Tunnel patients in Fair Oaks, CA. With the practice in Silicon Valley and my satellite office here in Fair Oaks, I see my fair share of carpal tunnel sufferers. Fortunately...
by Nancy Burns, L.Ac. | Mar 21, 2016 | Acupuncture, Fair Oaks CA, Non-Surgical Solutions, Repetitive Use Injury
I have one client who has suffered with this condition for a long time and was told he needed surgery. He came to try acupuncture out of desperation. Things were pretty bad. He was not sleeping because the pain at night was so intense. He had shooting pain up his...
by Nancy Burns, L.Ac. | Feb 15, 2016 | Acupuncture, Fair Oaks CA, Men, Wellness, Women's Health
Are you new to acupuncture and not sure what to expect on your first visit? In this post I will do my best to walk you through the types of things we will do on your initial visit. For some, working with a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, is a new...