I was asked by a patient today if there is long lasting relief from pain with acupuncture. My answer is yes. As the needles are inserted there is a release of endorphins in the body, endorphins are natural painkillers found in the central nervous system. Studies have shown that acupuncture releases these morphine-like substances, which prove very effective in relieving pain. This relief from pain and the relaxed state a patient is in during and after a treatment allows the body to heal itself. The resistance is reduced and healing increased.
The goal is to rebalance the body, reduce pain and allow the body to heal. Once the patient has achieved a pain-free state, quarterly balancing is all that is necessary to maintain optimum health unless the patient is faced with injury or health crisis.
Acupuncture works very effectively with chiropractic, nutritional therapy, and massage. These are complementary modalities and I encourage my patients to explore a total approach to their health.
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