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Your Path to Wellness Starts Here

Finally some definitive information to satisfy those who insist on understanding “how” Acupuncture works from a Western perspective. Researchers from the University of Rochester found when acupuncture needles were inserted into the feet of mice there was an increase in the body’s natural pain-killers and anti-inflammatory chemicals.

Adenosine, the compound that reduces pain and inflammation, rose dramatically at the points of insertion. When the needles are rotated, slightly injuring the tissue, the immune system comes to the rescue to repair the area and surrounding tissue. This call to action allows the natural healing to occur. Acupuncture does not cure it is simply a trigger that clears the way for the body to heal itself. Our body and the ability to heal is miraculous. Years of poor  self care and use of medications can confuse the signal to heal. The Acupuncturist identifies what is blocked or out of balance and inserts the needles to re-engage the natural healing ability.

My feeling is that unless you are a neuroscientist it doesn’t really matter how acupuncture works, what matters is IT DOES WORK!

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– El Dorado Hills

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